Depending on your retail environment, having a store fixture can mean something unique to you. When you have a specific type of fixture in the store, it’s hard to expand your mind to include other forms. First, it’s essential to define this: what is a store fixture?
A store fixture is any furniture piece used to display products. These can be hooks, display cases, and even mannequins. If it shows your product, it is a store fixture.
Below, we will delve into five of the most popular forms of store fixture. With this article, you’ll have some ideas about what you can build in your store.
Five Forms of Store Fixture
Form #1: Display Cases
Display cases are some of the more popular forms of store fixture due to their ability to emphasize more expensive items. Display cases have the bonus of adding automatic security, providing a layer of glass between your product and would-be thieves.
Display cases are best for small items, but there are some exceptions to the rule with specialized designs. If you want to emphasize a single thing in your store, a display case is a good start.
Form #2: Shelving
Shelving is perfect for products that are in bulk settings. If you sell grocery items, you are likely familiar with this form of display.
Shelving might be great for displaying large numbers of reasonably identical items. Still, they aren’t usually as good for individual products. It’s important to consider how you can make your shelving stand out if you plan on purchasing this form of store fixture.
Form #3: Gondolas
Gondolas are somewhat unique in their use in stores like Hallmark or to show you tasty pie. Still, there is some life in this old-fashioned form of display.
Gondolas have a great way of showing numerous products on a slowly moving carousel. If one product doesn’t appeal to the viewer, the following product might have some chance. If you have a wide variety of exciting items to display, gondolas might be an excellent investment.
Form #4: Clothing Racks
A clothing rack comes in two forms: freestanding or wall-mounted.
Freestanding racks are those that need no support beyond themselves. They are typically in a circular formation, enabling the customer to walk around it to see if they can find something they like. More boxy forms of clothing racks are also common.
Wall-mounted clothing racks are more common in stores with less space. In this situation, putting a hook on the wall is a one-and-done scenario, so be sure you like its location.
Form #5: Signage
When you think of store fixtures, you don’t think much of the signs. However, those can be incredibly important when announcing promotions and events associated with your store.
The creation of signs can be pretty expensive, depending on how much you are willing to invest. In most cases, simple plastic signs mounted on wood racks can be enough to catch an eye.
Wrap Up
When it comes to good store fixtures, it’s essential to be practical and creative. If you need help making your vision of store fixtures a reality, contact our team of specialists to help you out.